Friday, March 4, 2011

Invalid argument: I'm older than you

So here's my problem. At 27 years old I'm still a whipper snapper, and frequently I find myself in a debate with someone older than myself. If you have ever been in that situation I'm sure you are familiar with the ultimate debate-killer: "I'm older than you, so I know better."

Well alright, if you want to play that game, then all I need to do to get the upper hand again is find someone who takes my side who is even older than you. I'll say "this guy is a fossil, and he agrees with me. Now what do you have to say?"

But that's not how truth works. If it was we should all get on the phone and ask this lady to resolve all the questions for us.

Besse Cooper, at 114 years is the oldest person alive today. So if you can get this lady on your side, you can win every debate you'll ever find yourself in.

While it's true that some wisdom comes with age, and generally older people have had more experiences to draw wisdom from, there is not an absolute link between age and being right. If two people disagree on something it is not always the oldest one that is right

So let's talk about actual arguments, and not about seniority.


  1. For once, I actually agree with you.

  2. @Anonymous: Let me guess... You're younger than me? :p

  3. I just hope you never use the "I'm older than you, therefore I'm right" argument on your wife!

  4. This has happened to me a lot, unfortunately. "You'll think differently when you're older!" and so on, and so forth...

    Thanks for sharing. God bless.


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