Friday, February 26, 2010

What's that smell?

"Dead flies make a perfumer's oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor." (Ecc 10:1)
 The fragrance of the knowledge of God is a sweet perfume. But even the sweetest perfume can be made to stink by dead flies. Careless men who ignorantly roll around in Gods word, without ever savoring the knowledge of God from it.

I long to see the supernatural power of God displayed like in the days of old, as we all read about in the Bible. And I believe that years of being indoctrinated with secular naturalism has done us a great disservice in making us stop believing, expecting and desiring such miracles.

Yes, I want to see Gods supernatural power on display, but I also have a measure of knowledge off him. So I will not believe any spirit who claims to be of God. And when I saw this clip, I must say the perfume offered had a very distinct odor of dead flies.

Let's desire Gods supernatural power, but not so much that we throw all discernment aside, and fall for charades like these. This is nothing less than divination. Not to mention a clever attack on Christians who speak up against heresy.

It works like this: "Well meaning Christians" are speaking negatively off Todd Bentley (as they should). But according to Word-Faith theology, we are little Gods, so the words we speak have an indwelling power to create the things we speak. So in their minds, criticizing Todd Bentley is creating a negative power, a curse, that endangers him of being assassinated. Thankfully Bob Jones is there to "break the curse" (A practice I can't remember reading about in the Bible). I'll end with one of the few Bible passages I could come up with in relation to curses. Break this one, Bob Jones!
"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed" (Gal 1:8-9)

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