Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This blog post has been proven by science

There are many things that annoy me. One of them is a vice that is as popular among Bible-believing preachers as well as atheist university professors. What is it?

Making unspecific claims to scientific support.

A claims to scientific support demands at the very least a footnote with a reference that someone might be able to look up. Preferably there should be a short description of how the study was conducted as well so that you can quickly discern whether it's applicable to the claim made.

Over the years I have adapted to attach no significance to such claims as "Science proves", "we now know", "studies have shown", or even more vague "studies suggest". Usually they just mean the author is just expressing his own opinion and trying to sound smart at the same time. At best he might be referring to some internet rumor or something that he at least feels ought to be proven.

It annoys me when atheists do it, but it infuriates me when Christians sink to their level. (Especially when they do it to perpetuate one of the 5 worst arguments for Christianity ever). Does not the ninth commandment forbid bearing false witness? Leave lying to the atheists. Leave vague unsupported claims to fictional evidence to those who have no truth.


  1. There's something to thing about. Thanks for posting.

  2. Amen. We ought to always be able to provide direct evidence.

    Also: great picture. ;-)


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