Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's normal to suffer (1. Cor 4:11-13)

To this present hour we are both hungry and thirsty, and are poorly clothed, and are roughly treated, and are homeless; and we toil, working with our own hands; when we are reviled, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure; when we are slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now. (1.Cor 4:11-13)
It is not abnormal for Christians to be hungry and thirsty, poorly clothed, roughly treated, homeless, toiling with their hands, being reviled, persecuted and slandered. It is nice not to be, but we must resist the modern idea that a healthy spiritual life involves being comfortable, and that any discomfort we experience is a symptom of a lack of faith or prayer.

so many preachers add to the burdens of their suffering brothers and sisters by preaching a gospel of ease and comfort if you’re only spiritual enough, or follow some legalistic steps in a book.

Christians don’t stand out from the world when it comes to the amount of suffering. Where we do stand out is in how we deal with it.


  1. "Christians don’t stand out from the world when it comes to the amount of suffering. Where we do stand out is in how we deal with it. "

    Great statement. That truth is very strong, almost too strong for us to handle in only one reading.

    Thanks for posting.

  2. Godt å lese studiene du gjør i korinterbrevet :)


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