Tuesday, September 27, 2011

180 movie / Join the abolition movement

It is easy to admire people who in the past have risen up against great evils. Brave men like William Wilberforce who put an end to the slave tradeDietrich Bonhoeffer known for his bold stand against Nazism, or the reformers who sacrificed their lives to free the people of God from the bondage of the Catholic Church.

But have you ever wondered where you would be if you lived in those times? Whether you would have stood your ground next to them or run for cover? Perhaps you have secretly wished yourself back to a time when there were great cultural evils to fight against, as a hero looking for a cause.

Well no time travel is needed. Ray Comfort has done an excellent job in revealing the greatest evil of our day. The worldwide legalized massacre of unborn children. There is a movement on the rise for the abolition of abortion. Do you want to stand with us? Help spread this movie to your friends. You just might save the life of one of their future children.


  1. Thank you Dale, for the excellent work you do with Living Waters. The animations in this one are beautiful.

  2. Great post. This documentary is incredible, and needs more exposure.


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